Galway City Council, through the Galway City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), invites applications for funding from local community groups and clubs within the Galway City administrative area under the new Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) scheme, Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) 2025.
The LEP 2025 is being administered by Galway City LCDC on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development, with €114,363 capital funding & €20,241 current funding available.
The LEP will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities, purchase equipment, for example, tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies and training equipment etc. As well as with their non-pay running costs, for example, energy costs (electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges) or other non-pay operating costs for example rental/lease costs, insurance bills.
Under the programme, Galway City LCDC will ringfence a proportion of funding to provide small capital grants of €1,000 or less, which will allow a larger volume of groups with limited resources to receive funding.
The scheme is designed to ensure local priorities are identified and met, in order to improve and enhance community facilities for all. Applications should relate to one or more key priority areas identified in the Galway City Local Economic & Community Plan 2024 – 2029 which can be viewed online at
To make your online application for the LEP Capital Funding, please apply here:
To make your online application for the LEP Current Funding, please apply here:
For more information please click here
For any queries in relation to the above please contact Chelsea McConn Joyce / Saoirsa Kilroy at or 091-536 461/ 091 - 536358
Due to the disruptions caused by Storm Éowyn, the deadline for the Local Enhancement Programme 2025 has now been extended to Wednesday 5th February, 4pm.
Please see the following link for a press release for further information: