Galway City Council is inviting interested parties to participate in an upcoming non-statutory stakeholder workshop regarding the Cross Street Rejuvenation Project.
This project is at design stage and aims to improve the streetscape and enhance walkability of part of Cross Street, Middle Street, Buttermilk Lane, Buttermilk Walk and Abbeygate Street Lower.
The purpose of the upcoming drop-in event is to outline the options being considered for these streets and to get feedback, particularly from the immediate community.
People who wish to have their say are invited to attend The Mick Lally Theatre on Druid Lane on Wednesday 15 January at any time between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Further details on the project are available from Cross Street Rejuvenation Project | Galway City Council
People with queries regarding the project or the event can email urbanism@galwaycity.ie